COPYRIGHT©2014-2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 湖北云霁石油技术服务有限公司  备案1234     技术支持:大智汇科技

Company_Hubei Yunji Petroleum Technology Service Co., Ltd


         Hubei Yunji Petroleum Technology Service Co., Ltd. was established on June 1, 2023. It is an international comprehensive solution service provider for the development and utilization of oil and gas resources, committed to providing efficient and clean energy and energy production methods to global customers. The company's main business is divided into four segments, namely, oil and gas engineering and services (EPCC), Environmental engineering and services, carbon neutral engineering and services, and integrated services for the development and utilization of oil and gas resources.

         Hubei Yunji Petroleum Technology Service Co., Ltd. is established in Chibi City, Xianning City, Hubei Province. At present, the company has more than 30 wholly-owned, holding and joint-stock companies. It has branches, subsidiaries and offices in the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa and other places, with a total of more than 1300 employees. On February 25, 2011, Yunji Stock was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, stock code 002554, becoming the first provider of process technology and equipment system solutions in the field of petroleum and petrochemical to enter the A-share market in China.

         For many years, Yunji has adhered to technological innovation and is committed to creating value for customers with advanced technology and products. It has established a comprehensive research and development organization system and a strong research team. Over the years of development, Yunji has developed strong software and hardware capabilities. At present, Yunji has over 100 invention and utility model patents, nearly 200 software copyrights, and more than 50 proprietary technologies, forming a complete core technology system.

         With continuous technological innovation and excellent R&D and design teams, Yunji's products and services are providing efficient and environmentally friendly comprehensive solutions for the global oil and gas industry. Currently, its business has expanded to more than 30 countries and regions such as the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa, and the Americas, and its service capabilities and quality have reached international advanced standards. Efficient, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly equipment and professional technical services have attracted the attention and recognition of the Yunji brand from society and customers. Yunji has become a well-known enterprise in the field of oil and gas field ground system equipment and services.

After more than 20 years of development, Yunji has become an international comprehensive energy service provider. Adhering to the concept of creating value for customers, Yunji will continue to provide high-quality engineering, advanced technical equipment, and integrated high-quality services to global oil and gas customers, growing together with the development of the world petroleum industry. Looking forward to the future, Yunji will always maintain its advantageous position in the same industry both domestically and internationally, targeting cutting-edge technologies in the global market, making Yunji an international first-class engineering technology service provider that integrates research and development, design, production, and service.

COPYLIGHT © 2014-2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Hubei Yunji Petroleum Technology Service Co., Ltd       技术支持:大智汇科技